1 minute read

So Telus is selling porn on cel phones. Apparently some people have problems with this. I’m not entirely sure what the basis of Tod’s objection is, I’ve left him a comment to ask. He’s certainly entitled to his own opinion, but if he’s making a moral judgment I’d appreciate if he’d just come out and say so.

I don’t have any objection to Telus selling porn, based on the parameters they’ve specified (no illegal content, adult verification required). If anything, it makes me more likely to become a Telus subscriber, which I was already considering. I’m not particularly interested in watching cel-porn myself (dude, the screen is tiny), but I like that Telus is defying ridiculous North American Puritanism by admitting that this type of content is something that people watch and that they’re OK with that.

Selling porn is unlikely to hurt Telus’ bottom line. They may lose customers who object to the concept that porn is available on their phone (or that it exists at all), but in balance they’re likely to make some good money. I’d like it even better if they said that all porn revenues were being reinvested into upgrading their networks to 3G and 4G technologies.

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