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Transcoding old videos

1 minute read

I have a fairly large pile of old videos I’ve accumulated over the years, and as I’ve been running out of space on my NAS have started looking (again) at tra...

Adobe CQ Tar PM data file rotation bug

2 minute read

At $WORK this week we encountered an extremely strange and annoying set of bugs in older versions of the Adobe CQ CMS system – specifically, in all CQ system...

IPv6 clients hitting this blog

1 minute read

When I moved this server to Rackspace in April (and blogged about it) one of the primary motivations was so I could provide IPv6 support.

Ubuntu desktop

3 minute read

I installed Ubuntu on my new desktop in February. Here are some thoughts on the experience after three months.

Upgrading to Ubuntu 13.04 - uxlaunch is gone

1 minute read

Late last evening I made the questionable decision to start upgrading my xbmc Ubuntu home theatre box – note: don’t start upgrading anything late on a weekni...

Moving from AWS to Rackspace

1 minute read

I’ve moved my little cloud instance from Amazon AWS to Rackspace, which includes hosting of this blog. It was a simple process, but I thought I’d write a few...

IPv6 on my home network

2 minute read

I decided to finally setup IPv6 on my home network, for now running in parallel with IPv4. My DSL ISP (egate) has had IPv6 support for a long time, I receive...

Tiny Tiny RSS

2 minute read

In my last post I was thinking about what to do now that Google Reader is headed for end-of-life. As a quick interim step, I installed Liferea on my Ubuntu d...