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Removing Hyper-V from Windows 10

1 minute read

Hyper-V is pretty cool, and I enjoyed playing with it, especially in conjunction with Ubuntu’s Multipasstool. However, once I finished playing with it – I ha...

Ghost admin and CDN caching

1 minute read

I recently switched from BIND to Unbound for my home network’s caching DNS server (which I should also write a post about), and in the process also simplifie...

Reading Comics Tech

2 minute read

I’ve just recently finally found a good way to get through my backlog of comics in the cbz/cbr format, thought I’d share. Nothing groundbreaking, these tools...

Chef upgrades - part 1

1 minute read

At work our internal Chef infrastructure has been using an older version of Chef for a while. We built out several fully Chef-managed internal projects, all ...

Managing Email

3 minute read

Over almost 30 years using email at work I’ve gathered a few habits to ensure that I see email as it comes in, reply quickly, and can find messages later. In...

Blog Rebuilt

1 minute read

I’ve finished rebuilding this blog again, this time on the Ghost blogging platform. Unfortunately, although Ghost does have migration tools for WordPress and...

Testing Ghost on FreeBSD

less than 1 minute read

Doing some initial testing of the Ghost blogging platform on my FreeBSD test system.