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TortoiseSVN - lowering TSVNCache utilization

1 minute read

I’m using TortoiseSVN at my current job, and have at several past jobs as well. It’s a pretty good SVN client implementation for Windows, with the usual issu...

Multiple Jetty6 containers on Ubuntu 8.04

1 minute read

For a while at $WORK in our Development and QA environments we were running multiple apps within one Jetty6 container. This works well, but isn’t always conv...

Solaris 10 x86 - updating boot device

less than 1 minute read

Recently at work I had a situation where I had to move a Solaris 10 x86 virtual machine from a VMware Server environment to a VMware ESXi environment. Unfort...

Google Chrome

1 minute read

So, Google has released a browser called Chrome. So far it’s only for Windows, and is being called beta, but Gmail is still beta, so whatever.

VirtualBox Additions vs VMware Tools

1 minute read

I recently installed VirtualBox Guest Additions to an Ubuntu Server 8.04.1 VM that’s running the -virtual kernel mentioned in my last post.

Ubuntu Hardy 8.04.1 guest on VirtualBox 1.6.4

less than 1 minute read

I’ve been playing with VirtualBox and have been having an issue getting Ubuntu Hardy 8.04.1 working, specifically that everything installed fine but after re...